Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Negotiating Business Question of the Week

Hello All:

As you can imagine, I receive a number of e-mail questions per day. That being said, I thought I would post 1 e-mail question a week for the benefit of you, my faithful blog readers!

This week our question comes from Rob Johnson from Cooper City, Fl :

"James, is the Negotiating business opportunity you advocate going to be impacted by the

Uniform Debt-Management Services Act ?"

Thanks Rob for the great question. The act you are referring to is just a proposal that will only pertain to individual consumer debt! There have been wide spread abuses in the consumer counseling arena for a number of years, and hundreds of thousands of complaints lodged against the industry as a whole. This is one of the reasons we do not handle individual debt, just business debt.

In addition to being an extremely regulated industry, individuals don't have money to pay you for your negotiating expertise. As I always say " if they can't pay a $20.00 credit card bill, what make you think they will be able to pay you for your professional services rendered?"

I hope this answered your question.

Be well,

James A. Gage

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